Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Some Random Reflections

I know most people have probably seen this video before (if you haven't, please stay with it until the end), but I watch it over and over again to remember how much He loves me. And, I came to the following conclusions this morning..........

To whom much has been forgiven there is much love.

I want to wash Him with my tears and pour out everything I have.

Today is a new start. Another beginning.

He would be disappointed if I didn't dream big this morning.

The things I spend 75% of my time thinking about mean NOTHING in light of eternity.

He trusts me. With my family. With my "things". With my community. I don't want Him to be disappointed and I don't want to take His trust for granted.

He'll open the doors that no man/woman can open. When He's ready.

Even when I don't understand, He's still a loving and perfect God. And, I choose to believe.

He'll never ask me to go through any valley or desert alone. He's also there to shout with me on the mountain tops!

Did any of these statements or video speak to you personally? Just curious......


@pril G said...

You challenge me!
Thank you!
I will be grateful and I will dream big!

Mrs. C said...

Yes regarding the statements - good reminders. But I didn't get the video.

Anonymous said...

What a powerful video! Thank you for sharing it - it brought chills to my spine.