Tuesday, December 4, 2007

I'm Not Sure I've Ever Felt This Way Before

This Christmas season is different. I'm not half out of my mind homeschooling my kids that quite honestly, should have been in school last year. Our finances are not the greatest, but as I look back through the years His provision has always been there and I don't feel the pressure to buy so many gifts this year. Have you ever thought you were "done" Christmas shopping and then found something perfect for someone so you bought it and then started worrying that the other gifts you bought for other people need to have a little something added since you know....you did find that perfect thing for the other person......and, so on and so on. I'm not finding myself in that place this year. Except for one more present that I have purposely been waiting to buy for #3 due to its somewhat large nature, I'm done shopping. If it hasn't been bought by now then I guess I better figure out what I'm going to make that person!

But bigger than all that. Peace. Joy. Without even realizing it I am a kinder, gentler mom when adversity strikes. I have been trying to practice what I see modeled by other Godly moms, one specifically that leads our Moms in Touch prayer group. She has a 4-year old with an iron will and loves this child firmly and patiently. I leave her house in awe some days at what she gets her daughter to accomplish when it isn't looking like anything is going to happen as planned. You see the amazing thing about this is that I am not doing this in my own strength. I'm not sure when or how it "clicked". It's just one of those prayers day after day; not my will, God, but Your will be done. I started to believe it. And, then it was like some switch flipped on and I constantly notice something that God has poured into our lives. The beautiful countryside we live in, the stars in the sky and the smiles on my girls.....like precious gifts he showers me with each day. It is much easier to be peaceful when your heart is filled with gratefulness. Just ask Madam Blueberry. Was I too stressed out, overwhelmed and busy most days to notice His amazing grace all these years? I believe I didn't stop to smell the roses often enough.....I was too busy on the "treadmill", out of breath, but going no where. Well, maybe not entirely "no where", that is a bit of an extreme. It's getting late and I get more dramatic as the night groweth at its darketh, yonder bloggers.

So, something is different, and I know that when God begins a good work, He is faithful to see it completed. I hope all my Pollyanna posts aren't sickening to some of you. Trust me, I praised Him in the bad times, too. In fact, I am thankful for it all because those events are what has gotten me to the wonderful place I am today, so I can like it or not!

1 comment:

Kelli said...

Any day we learn a lesson from a Veggie Tale is a good day. Glad that life is so very good for you right now, Melissa. :) You deserve to be in that rest with the Lord.