Monday, August 4, 2008

Lesson #2 - We Don't "Have to" Serve; We "Get to" Serve

This is sort of a series on my last week at camp, so please start at the beginning here.

Okay, technically I stole this lesson from the staff at our camp. They are trained to think of serving in this way and the way these young men and women cheerfully served us astounds me. They are tireless and creative. Enthusiastic and kind. Besides The Husband, they were my biggest cheerleaders when I wasn't sure I'd be able to canoe through the rapids or climb back up that rock. They served in other ways, too. They would take my kids to the pool or the lake or get them up for breakfast while we were hiking. They were always willing to lend a hand and it blessed me tremendously.

I started thinking that since the word "blessed" really means "multiply" I should take the blessings they showered on me and multiply that in my own life with the people I encounter. I want to be quick to be an encouragement and offer the love of Christ. Service without expecting anything in return. That's revolutionary. It changes people's lives. And, I'm sure that attitude is pleasing to God.

I know they may not even realize how valued I felt when they served me and encouraged me this week. It was like water in a desert. And, it made me want to "rain" all over others in the same way!

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