Friday, June 27, 2008

Freedom Friday - Good Citizen

Natalie over at P4M has a great post today on teaching our kids about being good citizens. I thought right away of #1 who has spent the first 3 weeks of her summer vacation volunteering. As my oldest daughter, she was roped into assisting 3 of the 4 summer enrichment camps at our elementary school. During the 4th camp, she is at home babysitting her sisters for me so I can still be over at school. She also volunteered at our church VBS and I was really proud of her. Her friends were working in the preschool room and I could tell she felt a little left out because she was an assistant group leader with an adult. She also would have really liked to be in the drama. Instead of complaining, she cheerfully did a wonderful job and didn't whine about not being with her friends. In fact, she really connected with some of the kids in her group and I believe she has a teaching gift.

I was so busy running around coordinating everything that it took me the first week and a half to realize what a servant daughter she was being! This was a good chunk of her summer break and she gave her time and her efforts and expected nothing in return. I am really proud of her and the example she is setting for her younger sisters.

1 comment:

Kelli said...

She really was such a great help. Please let her know that her servant's heart was definately recognized.