Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The First Day of School Highlight Reel

* A pool in your backyard is a great thing to come home to after a long day at school.

* My house was so quiet I could hear myself paint my toenails.

* I didn't cry for the first time in 8 years dropping anyone off at school. But, I did have a lump in my throat.

* I can't figure out how to load pictures from our new camera onto my computer without The Husband here.

*Seventh grade is extremely boring and #1 came home with a thick packet of math homework. Welcome to advanced classes, #1! You'll thank me one day when you get your full ride at Messiah.

*#2 had a boy call the house for her last night. He had a crush on her last year and passed her notes. Apparently, third grade progresses on to phone calls. She's not interested (thank you, Jesus), but doesn't want to hurt his feelings. She made a little small talk and then said she had to go eat dinner (we actually were eating dinner). It was cute, yet strangely disturbing. Papa Bear didn't like it one bit.

*I had an interview for a job that I think I would like for a Lutheran social services organization. Great hours, decent pay. I'm pretty sure I'll get an official offer by Friday. I would be home everyday when the kids get off the bus except Wednesday, which is The Husband's day off.

How did everyone else fair on their first days?


Livin' Life said...

Yes I totally get the listening to the sounds of painting toenails. Like you no tears just a wierd feeling of realizing I am not is Kansas any more.

Glad to hear job hunting is going well, still praying.

mama2dibs said...

I'm not there yet (3 yr old, 8 mo old) and I plan on homeschooling. There were things on your post that made me say "and WHY am I homeschooling?" and other things that made me say "I'm glad I'm homeschooling." We are going to take the homeschooling journey one year at a time, so maybe some day I will have to deal with the mixed emotions of dropping my babies off at the zoo (er, I mean school).

As for the job part, my education is in teaching so I guess I'd still be with kids all day...just not my own.

The Gang's Momma! said...

Not there yet. Here in the East we start AFTER Labor Day. The Boss has made arrangements to go in late, to help me with the "school bus trauma" - his words! BBE is starting full day first grade, and methinks The Boss is gonna be more traumatized than me . . . not much but a bit more. . . .