Sunday, August 31, 2008

It Has Finally Arrived!

I bought this book last night and I read 3/4 of it this morning. For those of you who don't know, this is a book written by our Senior Pastor, Dave Hess and describes his ordeal and major victory over cancer that we all (as a congregation) walked through with him and his precious family 11 years ago this November. I'll never forget how this affected me on a personal was during that time I learned about spiritual warfare and tenacity in prayer.

I thank God for our pastor! His story is remarkable, yet he is a very humble man. I highly recommend reading this, especially if you are facing circumstances to which there seems no way out. The book can be purchased at CCC or if you are interested and are from out-of-town, it is available at several online book distributors, including

1 comment:

Beautiful Grace said...

I just finished reading the book this morning...awesome. I believe I may compose a similar post...let's get the message out to the world that Jesus IS our Healer!!!! Love you!!!