Monday, August 11, 2008

Two Weeks and Counting

School begins two weeks from today and I am trying to make the best of it. In two weeks someone else will be influencing my kids from the hours of 8ish to 3ish. I have got to trust that God has heard my prayers to put them with teachers and classmates that will build their integrity and draw them closer to Him. #2's assigned teacher was new this year and we knew very little (basically nothing) about her. I prayed that she was a good match and then another letter came Saturday saying she had resigned and there is a new, new teacher.


Odd, wouldn't you say? I know so many people would argue it unrelated, but God does work all things out for the GOOD of those who love Him. Maybe that first teacher is a great teacher....we'll just never know.

I can't say I'm worried for one more then the other of my kids. And, when I say worried, I mean concerned enough to pray about it. I will admit that having a teenager (and, trust me 12 is the new 14) has shaken me up a bit. #1 has a great foundation, but it is just so crazy the amount of distraction and peer pressure to act a certain way. Even the strongest kids can get sucked in and I don't ever want to be one of those moms in denial about what is happening in their kid's lives. I want to have access to her heart so that as she struggles there is open communication. That was much easier to do a few years ago. When I was still cool.

#2 and #3 are facing the uncertainties of new teachers and new classmates. #3's teacher actually had breast cancer last year and #3 wanted to know why she "cut her hair like a boy's". After I explained about the cancer and reassured her she couldn't "catch" cancer from her teacher she seemed a little better. She does keep asking to be home schooled, but I have encouraged her this is what is best (right, God? it is, right??). #2 is my sensitive one who has a hard time making friends her age. Most of her friends are older and I haven't been able to really figure that one out, yet. She hasn't talked much about school so I get the feeling she isn't really anticipating it!

In all these issues I know I need to dig in and hold fast to faith in God. He knows the number of hairs on their heads and He knows their strengths and weaknesses even better then I do! I want to be sure that our last 2 weeks of summer vacation leave us closer then ever before so that when we are all back in the trenches, home is our safe place. Most importantly, I want them to keep God first, even at school.

1 comment:

mama2dibs said...

Is #2 one of the older kids in her class? My mom sent all three of us girls to school at age 6 and we all three had a difficult time making friends our age. Most of our friends were two to three years our senior. All three of us.