There is a new craze's the flush and prayer ministry!
Okay...let me explain. Pastor "
PSU" at our church has shared his testimony recently of feeling like he was supposed to pray for a man that he ran into a second time in a mall restroom. It was a great story of our pastor being obedient to God and taking a risk. Had he not so recently shared this (I heard the story twice in fact) I may not have done what I did tonight. In the restroom.
Tonight we had a dinner scheduled as a fundraiser for our PTO at
Hoss's where they donate 20% of the sales from our group to our PTO. We weren't going to go, but I figured since I'm co-president and it was my idea, we better make a trip over. After gorging myself, #3 had to go to use the restroom so she and I went together. I could tell from the sounds inside her stall we were going to be awhile (she will most
definitely hurt me one day when she's older for telling that part of the story!). While I was leaning on the wall outside her stall I noticed a lady with a cane at the sink. Just as I started to come out of my semi-
comatose state I realized I was supposed to pray for her. But, then she
disappeared into a stall. I figured #3 had to be coming out soon....
c'mon #3......
what in the world is taking so long.....
can I get you a newspaper? Magazine?, I started to pray like crazy for the lady to come out so I could talk to her. Then, I got nervous because #1 - we were in a bathroom....
awk-ward. #2 - I just ate onion rings and #3 - well, #3 could come flying outta her stall in the middle of it all and distract me to the point of babbling.
I just knew I was going to pray for her no matter what. No use being nervous and well, I hope she would be forgiving about the whole onion ring breath-thing. She came out before #3 (shocking) and as she finished washing her hands (I did allow her to keep things the BATHROOM). I asked her if I could pray for her and she looked at me like I asked her
something in Russian. So, I repeated myself, but added that I like to pray for people and the question "
why do you need your cane?". She told me she had fallen and broken her leg in 3 places and crushed her pelvis. I asked her what her name was and I told her mine. I asked her if it would be alright for me to pray for her because I had the feeling she was in a lot of pain. She agreed that she was and so I knelt down and touched her leg (did, I mention we were in a bathroom?) and prayed for the pain to be gone and for Jesus to heal the broken, crushed places and for Him to give her peace and comfort. What took place when I stood back up and looked at her in the eyes was almost as astounding as any physical healing could ever be. I started to wonder if maybe her pelvis and leg weren't the only things crushed and broken inside of her. She had tears in her eyes and told me that was one of the nicest things anyone has ever done for her and I was going to make her cry. Her entire
countenance had changed and she smiled for the first time. I hugged her (in the bathroom , remember) and just as we walked to the door more people started to come in. I silently thanked God for those few minutes alone with her to be able to minister the love and healing power of Jesus Christ. I told her that I would remember to keep her in my prayers. She walked out of the restaurant in what seemed to be like a daze and I noticed she wasn't limping as badly. Meanwhile, #3 had already made her escape during the talking part and was at our table when I returned.
It was another reminder of a world hungry for Christians who really care and aren't just going to preach at them. Thank you, Pastor
PSU, for starting a chain reaction!