Monday, February 25, 2008

What Strange Timing

After I posted this I got a phone call from a well-known company that I had sent a resume to awhile back on a whim and they asked me to interview for their Community Relations Manager position.

That's a little bizarre.

But, wait. My day takes on a twist of its own and instead of retyping all the details, I'll just share the 2 emails I sent out to some friends and family. The first email is a bit frantic. I did have a strange peace about me, yet, at the same time I also felt so helpless.

Please pray for #2…she has had a fever and when I took her to the doctor today she has a severe infection in her left ear and a bad sinus infection. She has spent the last hour in extreme pain, her ear is burning and there is nothing more we can do for her (she has as much Motrin in her that is safe and her antibiotic obviously hasn’t had time to kick in, yet). Please pray for her to be healed from all this and the pain to be gone…..I’ve never seen her cry in pain like this before. She dozed off so I wanted to send this quick note out because I believe Jesus can and WILL heal her! And, The Husband is feeling pretty sick, too. He could use your prayers, as well.

I kid you not...#2 was in so much pain I was getting sick to my stomach. She hasn't felt the greatest since Friday, but around 3:30 pm it seemed like (literally) all hell broke loose to torment her. Even while she dozed, tears came out of her eyes and she would jerk awake from the pain and just shake. Awful does not begin to describe this afternoon.

But, here is the second email I sent out just a little bit ago:

Thank you so much for your prayers! Right after I emailed everyone, she work up screaming in pain and blood was coming out of her ear. I had called our nurse practitioner and she suggested applying a warm, hard boiled egg without the shell to the ear. At first I thought she had to be out of her mind….my child was in EXCRUCIATING pain, can we have a child-sized dose of morphine delivered??? I even wondered how in the world I could leave her bedside to boil the egg…but #1 and The Husband pitched in staying with her and praying with her and trying to keep her calm. By the time I put the egg on her ear (that just sounds so bizarre) a few emails came back including this one:

I just pray in the name of Jesus that any attack would be stopped in the name of Jesus. I just had a picture of the Lord in Battle Armor and a blazing sword of glory standing over your house. When the Lord stands in battle, He is always victorious. I pray victory from pain, sickness, and attack in the name of Jesus. I pray for wholeness and life to flow. He is mighty in battle!

It makes me think of the words to this song:

The Lord is with you mighty warrior

The Lord is with you mighty warrior

So arise

Arise on wings of eagles

Arise on wings of eagles

She fell back asleep and we just prayed that over her. When she woke up a few minutes later she had a shocked look on her face. Blood still continued to come out of her ear, but she said the pain was less. We continued praying and put another egg in her ear! She felt so much better she asked for a cupcake for dinner and she spoke a few sentences to us. A few minutes later she sat up in bed. A half hour later she was doing her homework in bed and an hour later joined us at the supper table where she ate 3 of the hard boiled eggs that we did not use in her ears and a chocolate cupcake that Daddy brought home for her! Praise the Lord! Please continue to keep her in your prayers as this fluid drains from her ears (it is more watery now) and she is still experiencing some pain and discomfort. And, as for The Husband….he has been knocked out with NyQuil since about 7pm and seems to be resting well. I knew it was time to send him to bed as his speech sounded somewhat slurred at the supper table!

We are just so thankful that God knew eggs-actly what #2 needed! Ha! Ha! Get it? I’m sorry….I couldn’t resist!

So strangely enough, in light of the day's events, I'm not certain at all that this new possible job opportunity is right for me now. Number one, it is advertised as full-time (although, God can always work those details out and find someone who wants to job share). But, number two, I am taking the summer off to be WITH MY KIDS (that would be a real miracle if anyone wants to hire me with that stipulation!). Today reminded me that spending time from June through August without a job distracting me from my kids, is non-negotiable. I would've walked barefoot over hot coals to make #2 feel better and God has this great way of getting through to me with real life experiences. I'm a mommy, and I am needed.

I'm not feeling quite so restless anymore. No, instead I am deciding to wait for what God's VERY BEST is for me on a personal level and be grateful I've got a family to pour into in this season. I'm still going on that interview (God knows I need the practice) and I've already played out the scenario in my head of them offering me the job and me giving them my very unrealistic list of demands and then by some amazing revelation of God they hire me for an outrageous amount of money which will lead to my own Talk Show and later my first book....My Lamb's Name is Sparky and You Can't Have Her (a journey of surrendering everything to God).

oH mY wORD!!!! Now, I sound like I've been dipping into the NyQuil!


Livin' Life said...

Wow. Praise God for the healing and His hand. You guys are under attack and I just ask the Lord to hedge you all in on all sides. I will continue to pray.

BTW did the doctors office tell you why the egg helped? Just curious.:)

Melissa said...

The egg was a concentrated heat source that is a good shape to place just inside the ear opening without it going too far in the canal.