I think this topic was so important to me personally, because when I became a believer I didn't serve for the right reasons. Sometimes, I still have to guard myself of that. One of the words that was prayed over me during my amazing experience was that God doesn't want me to be a people pleaser. I often struggle with not wanting to offend someone or let them down, so I do things out of obligation, rather than calling. I have to also guard myself from pride, it is subtle, but pretty soon I would do things just so other people would see I was doing it!
These were all things that burdened my heart to teach 25 amazing girls. We must serve humbly, like Jesus came to serve. He didn't do it for attention and He did it with "no strings attached". Translated in little girl terms means: don't ask for a certain assignment just so you can be with your friend or do something you think is more fun. Serve because you are a representative of Christ. And, ALWAYS do your best!
I think they "got it" after 8 weeks of praying and serving, most of them understand how God calls us to serve. I'm sorry it's over because I will miss them and their loudness and their sweet hugs on Wednesdays!
1 comment:
Thnak you so very much for teaching our little girls to serve by example. Scarlett had a wonderful time. We appreciate you so much.
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