Thursday, January 3, 2008

I've Finally Pulled Myself Out of the Fetal Position

Now, that I have bored you with a week full of posts about being sick, cold and eating donuts I feel the need to share some photos just so you don't remove me off of your blogroll. I am feeling a bit better now, no longer writing feverish rambling posts with lots of question marks and exclamation points.

See? this is much better!

This was pretty much how they spent New Year's Eve and New Year's Day!

I promised Susan I would not show any pictures of her trying on wedding gowns so this is what we all looked like when we watched her try on wedding gowns (Look! A link in this sentence! I am feeling better!).

Here are the 4 generations of women on my mom's side of the family and we tried about 4 times to take a nice picture and it just didn't really work out that way....

1 comment:

Livin' Life said...

You're such a great person. I love reading your posts. I actually find out more about you here than at church.:)