Monday, August 20, 2007

Father Knows Best

We all look for signs from God, don't we?

Well, as crazy as this may sound I got one today. We went to kindergarten open house and met #3's teacher. After feeling like she is a very warm and caring woman who gave #3 her full attention while they were talking, the girls and I walked around her adorable classroom.

And, then I saw it.

Out of 17 kids in the class MY little #3 is going to be THE LINE LEADER for the first week of school.

You don't even know! #3 absolutely adores being "the line leader". We all laugh as we walk through the grocery store as she declares herself "the line leader" and if my cart so much as edges up next to her I am reminded of her self-proclaimed role and I best get back in formation.

I felt like God winked at me this morning when I looked at that classroom helper chart. I know that there will be ups and downs in the upcoming year, but He knows her even better than I do. His power far exceeds anything I could ever make happen in her life and He knows what is best for her.

He knows the best school for her.

He knows the best teacher for her.

And, He knows the best classroom helper job for her during her first week embarking on this new journey.


Kelli said...


The Gang's Momma! said...

That is so cool. It actually brought a tear to my eye! Our number 3 is experiencing some pangs of anxiety, because she isn't sure who she will get for 3rd grade and being home for school seems far more sure and safe with that unknown looming. I just keep hugging her and reminding her that Mommy prays every day for the school to assign her the very teacher that she NEEDS to be the best 3rd grader she can be. I'm gonna share this with her :)